Knorr Tomato/Chicken Flavored Boullion (Pack of 3) - 8 cubes

Knorr Tomato/Chicken Flavored Boullion (Pack of 3)
Price 8.95
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Bouillon cubes are a popular culinary ingredient that no kitchen can do without, they are re-hydrated cubes that come in a variety of flavors and enhance dishes with an incredible taste. Recipes go from bland to succulent with Knorr's delicious tomato & chicken flavored bouillon cubes, that are both inexpensive and convenient, just add them directly to casseroles, stews, soups, pastas, meats and a more! Try it out now, you won't regret it!

These cubes are also ideal for those days when you have a nasty cold and want something warm, just prepare a steaming teaming bowl of tomato soup that will be sure to lift up your spirits . These tomato flavored bouillon cubes will make an ordinary stew into a meal that is bursting with flavor. What's even better is they have a long shelf life, so its always there for all of your cooking needs.


To prepare a delicious tomato broth, dissolve 1 Knorr tomato flavorbouillon cube in 2 cups of boiling water.

Serving Ideas:

Use one or more cubes to enhance the flavor of soups, stews, sauces,mole, rice, vegetables and pasta.


  • Ready to use direct from the box.
  • 8 cubes.
  • Calories: 10, Sodium: 1,120 mg.
  • Product of Mexico.

Ingredients:salt, monosodium glutamate, palm oil, hydrogenated beef fat, cornstarch, hydrogenated soybean oil, hydrolized corn protein,maltodextrin, cooked chicken meat, tomato powder, citric acid,natural flavor, yeast extract, chicken fat, sugar, turmeric (forcolor), dehydrated parsley, disodium insoinate, dehydrated parsley,caramel color, ascorbic acid, yellow 6 lake, spice, yellow 6, red 40.


Los cubitos de caldo son un ingrediente culinario popular que no debe faltar en cualquier cocina, son cubos rehidratados con una variedadde sabores que realzan cualquier platillo con un sabor increible. Unareceta simple se convierte increible y suculenta con el caldo detomate con sabor a pollo de Knorr, que son practicos y economicos.Solo agregalos directamente a guisos, caldos, sopas, pastas, carnes ymas! Pruebalo ya, no te arrepentiras!

Estos cubos tambien son ideales para esos dias en los que estas sufriendode una gripe fuerte y quieres algo calientito, nada mas prepara unplato hirviendo de sopa de tomato y veras como te levantara el animo.Estos cubos con sabor a tomate y pollo haran que un caldo comun seconvierta en un platillo lleno de sabor. Lo mejor es que son unproducto que dura bastante, por lo cual siempre esta a la mano paratodas tus necesidades culinarias.


Para preparar un delicioso caldo de res, disuelva 1 cubo de Knorr Caldo deTomate con sabor de pollo en 2 tazas de agua hirviendo.

Sugerencias de como servir:

Use uno o mas cubos para realzar el sabor de sopas, guisados, salsas,mole, arroz, vegetales y pasta.


  • Listo para usar directo de la caja.
  • 8 cubos.
  • Calorias: 10, Sodio: 1,120 mg.
  • Producto de Mexico.

Ingredientes:sal, aceite de palma, glutamato glutamato monosodico, grasa de reshidrogenada, fecula de maiz, aceite de soya hidrogenado, proteina demaiz hidrolizada, maltodextrina, carne de pollo cocida, tomate enpolvo, acido citrico, extracto de levadura, saborizante natural,grasa de pollo, azucar, curcuma (para color), inosinato disodico,perejil deshidratado, color caramelo, acido ascorbico, amarillo 6laca, especia, amarillo 6, rojo 40.


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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Monica
Review for Knorr Tomato/Chicken Flavored Boullion
January 17, 2011
My mom used this product in Fideos and in Rice while growing up. I used this product when I was in the US and since now I am overseas I NEED this product!!!! I am very glad that Mexgrocer can deliver!!!!

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