Virgen de Guadalupe Best Sellers
- Articulos Religiosos de La Guadalupana

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63'' x 38.5''
46" x 27.5"
36" x 21"
27" x 16"
16" H
8 inch candles
15 items
16 items
8 inch candles
12" H
8 inch candles
11" x 11" - 10" Handle
9.95 vende articulos religiosos de la Virgen de Guadalupe: pulseras, bolsas, collares, rosarios, medallas, posters, imagenes, cuadros, iconos, estatuas, musica, veladoras, libros, oracion novena, notas apuntes y otros articulos de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe. Visita nuestra categoria principal de Our Lady of Guadalupe Gifts by Category.

Video Collection of Images of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is a celebrated Catholic icon of the Virgin Mary and a symbol of all Catholic Mexicans. According to Catholic belief on December 9, 1531 a simple indigenous peasant named Juan Diego saw a vision of a young woman on the hill in the desert of Tepeyac near Mexico City. The Virgin of Guadalupe appeared to him four times and told him to build a church in the exact spot where they were standing. Juan Diego told the local bishop about this but was asked to show proof; he went back to the hill of Tepeyac where he saw the vision again. He told the Virgin of Guadalupe that the bishop had asked him for proof, so she instructed him to take the roses from the top of Tepeyac hill and put them in his cloak to take to the bishop. It was winter and no flowers were blooming, but when he arrived he saw the most beautiful roses on the hilltop of Tepeyac. He cut the roses, placed them in his cloak and returned to the bishop as he was told to do. When he arrived on December 12th, he told the bishop he had brought the proof he asked, and when he opened his cloak the roses fell to the floor and in their place was a beautiful image of the young lady that had appeared to him on the hill of Tepeyac: the Virgin of Guadalupe who was miraculously imprinted and revealed on the fabric of his cloak.

Today the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is displayed in the Basilica of Guadalupe, and is one of the most visited Catholic pilgrimage destinations in the world. The Virgin of Guadalupe is considered the Patroness of Mexico and the Empress of the Americas. An amazing list of miracles, cures and interventions are attributed to her. Every December 12th millions of pilgrims visit the Basilica of Guadalupe to commemorate the anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego. A special mass is given to celebrate the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe where the traditional

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