Maizena Coconut Beverage - Atole Fortificado (Pack of 6) - 1.6 oz

Maizena Coconut Beverage - Atole Fortificado (Pack of 6)
Price 6.95
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Maizena Coconut Beverage Mix 1.6 oz. (Pack of 6)

Maizena mix for tropical beverage flavored with corn syrup and coconut. It's very common to make Atole for the Holidays.

Maizenais a delicious corn starch beverage mix with coconut flavor, that issimple to make and tastes great. Atole is a popular drink in Mexicothat has a thick consistency and sweet flavor. It is common toconsume it during the holidays, since this warm beverage is perfectto warm up to during a cold winter day. Also atole is known to be agreat remedy for relieving heart burn or an upset stomach. Even momsswear by you know its got to be good!


Dissolve the contents of the envelope in one cup of cold fat free milk. Stirthe cold milk mixture into 1-quart (1-liter) boiling fat free milk.Boil about 2 minutes, stirring constantly. To sweeten, stir in 1/4cup of sugar until dissolved.


  • Coconut Flavor.
  • Artificially Flavored.
  • Fortified Corn Starch Beverage Mix.
  • A good source of vitamins and minerals: iron, zinc, A, B1, B3, B6 and C.
  • Calories: 35, Sodium: 80mg.
  • Net Wt 1.6 oz (47g).
  • Made in Mexico.

Ingredients:corn starch (sulfur dioxide used to protect quality), salt,maltodextrin, artificial flavor, calcium carbonate, sodium ascorbate(vitamin c), ferric pyrophosphate (iron), zinc sulfate, niacinamide(vitamin b3), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin b6), thiaminmononitrate (vitamin b1), vitamin a acetate.


Maizena Sabor Cajeta

Mezcla para preparar atole tropical con miel de maíz y coco. Maizena.

La Maizena es una deliciosa bebida hecha de maiz y con sabor a coco, esmuy simple de preparar y sabe riquisimo! El atole es una bebidapopular en Mexico de consistencia espesa y sabor dulce. Es muy comuntomarlo durante el invierno, ya que te gracias a su gran sabor y localiente de la bebida rapidamente te quita el frio durante un diahelado. Tambien es conocido por ser un gran remedio para aliviar laacidez o el dolor de estomago. Hasta las mamas adoran la Maizena, loque te dice que es un gran producto!


Disuelva el contenido del sobre en una taza (240ml) de leche descremada.Agregue la mezcla a un litro de leche descremada hirviendo. Dejehervir 2 minutos, moviendo constantemente. Para endulzar, agregue1/4 taza de azucar.


  • Sabor a Coco.
  • Con Sabores Artificiales.
  • Fecula de Maiz para prepar, Atole Fortificado.
  • Buena fuente de vitaminas y minerales: hierro, zinc, A, B1, B3, B6 y C.
  • Calorias: 35, Sodio: 80mg.
  • Net Wt 1.6 oz (47g).
  • Hecho en Mexico.

Ingredientes:fecula de maiz (dioxido de sulfuro utilizado para proteger lacalidad), sal, maltodextrina, saborizante artificial, carbonato decalcio, ascorbato de sodio (vitamin c), pirofosfato ferrico (hierro),sulfato de zinc, niacinamida (vitamina b3), clorhidrato de piridoxina(vitamina b6), mononitrato de tiamina (vitamina b1), vitamina aacetato.


Maizena Coconut Beverage - Atole Fortificado (Pack of 6)

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