Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Medium - 16 oz

Mexican Bread
Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Medium
Price 18.95
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  • Order Pan de Muerto now
  • Arrives Fresh
  • Limited Inventory Available
  • Let us know in comments at checkout, if you wish to receive your bread closer to Nov 2nd


Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Mexican Day of the Dead Bread - Medium Size 16 oz - Pan de Muertos - (Diameter 8") for 4-5 persons ready to eat.

Traditions are important part of our past, enjoy Pan de Muerto and keep your traditions alive.

The Pan de Muertos arrives fresh and ready to eat. Enjoy!

The bread of the dead or "Pan de Muerto" is shaped in round loaves with strips of dough attached on top to resemble bones, it is baked with the traditional egg bread recipe using eggs, milk and butter, coated with sugar and flavored with an orange aroma. Enjoy pan de muerto with a cup of hot Mexican chocolate.

PAN DE MUERTO - DAY OF THE DEAD BREAD OR MEXICAN BREAD OF THE DEAD - 16 OZ - (Diameter 8") for 5 persons ready to eat. FOR BEST RESULTS, preheat oven at 300F place pan de muerto on baking sheet and heat for 8 to 10 minutes. Sprinkle more sugar. Enjoy!

Dia de Muertos Sweet Bread - Enjoy now delicious Mexican sweet bread a tradition for the holiday season of Halloween and Day of the Dead. The Mexican bread of the dead or Day of the Dead Bread, is an authentic Mexican tradition. It is not known with certainty how this tradition started. It is especially used to commemorate the Day of the Dead. On November 1st (All Souls Day) and 2nd (Day of the Dead), many Mexican households prepare an altar with the dead person's picture, putting offerings of flowers. fruits, candies, sweet bread, and food to help the dead in their families have a happy transition to the other life. It has been known, that amongst the Aztecs, a cake made with amaranth was placed on top of their tumbs. The Mexican bread of the dead (Pan de Muertos) is prepared with butter and a subtle orange flavor, and on top of it it has been adorned with figures simulating the skeleton's bones. In the US we typically celebrate Halloween, but in Mexico the biggest celebration of the year follow Halloween is known as the Day of the Dead or Dia de Muertos. (Mexican Halloween)

Ingredients: wheat flour, eggs, water, yeast, sugar, vegetable oil, whole powder milk, butter, whey powder emulsifier, baking soda, salt.

Contains Wheat, eggs

Video Make Day of the Dead Bread - Pan de Muerto for

Learn more about "Pan de Muertos at MexicanFood.about an article by Chelsie Kenyon.

Dia de Muertos Sweet Bread - Enjoy the delicious Mexican sweet bread a tradition for the holiday season of Halloween and Day of the Dead.

The Mexican bread of the dead or Day of the Dead Bread, is an authentic Mexican tradition. It is not known with certainty how this tradition started. It is especially used to commemorate the Day of the Dead. On November 1st (All Souls Day) and 2nd (Day of the Dead), many Mexican households prepare an altar with the dead person's picture, putting offerings of flowers. fruits, sugar skulls, sweet bread, and food to help the dead in their families have a happy transition to the other life. It has been known, that amongst the Aztecs, a cake made with amaranth was placed on top of their tumbs.

Learn more about Dia de Muertos in or visit at History of Day of the Dead.

Visit to learn more about Day of the Dead in Mexico.

The Mexican bread of the dead is prepared with butter and a subtle orange flavor, and on top of it it has been adorned with figures simulating the skeleton's bones. This delicious sweet bread typically celebrate Halloween, but in Mexico the biggest celebration of the year follow Halloween is known as the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos. (Mexican Halloween) Buy our Candy Skulls to celebrate Dia de Muertos Holiday.

Pan de Muertos Recipe By .

Pan de Muerto recipe is prepared in celebration of Mexico's Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead Bread is shaped into skulls or round loaves with strips of dough rolled out to resemble bones attached to the loaves.

Prep Time: 4 hours
Cook time: 40 mins
Yield: 6 loaves
Servings: 36 servings

Nutrition facts:155 grams per serving,
450 calories,
15 grams fat

PAN DE MUERTO Recipe Ingredients:
- 1 cup plus 1 tbsp butter
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup water
- 5 cups flour
- 1 once dry yeast
- 2 tsps salt
- 1 cup sugar
- 8 eggs

Glaze Ingredients:
- 1 cup sugar
- 2/3 cup fresh orange juice
- 4 tbsps grated orange zest

Pan de Muerto Recipe Instructions:Preheat oven to 350 F. In a saucepan over medium flame, heat the butter, milk and water until very warm but not boiling. In a mixing bowl, combine 3 cups flour, yeast, salt, anise seed and sugar. Beat in the warm liquid until well combined. Add the eggs. Beat in another 2 cups of flour, then add more flour until the dough is soft but not sticky. Knead this mixture on a lightly floured board for ten minutes until smooth and elastic. Lightly grease a mixing bowl with 1 tbsp of butter. Place dough in bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in warm place until doubled in size (1-2 hours). Punch the dough down with your hands lightly. At this point, shape the dough into your choice of skulls, skeletons or round loaves with bones placed ornamentally around the top. Allow the loaves to rise for about 1 hour. Bake in oven for 4o minutes. Remove from oven, paint on the glaze and enjoy.

Glaze instructions: Bring to a boil for 2 minutes. Apply to bread with a pastry brush. If desired sprinkled on colored sugar with glaze is still damp.


COMPRA PAN DE MUERTO o PAN DE MUERTOS - 454 g. - 20 cms. de diametro para 4 a 5 personas listo para comer.

Disfruta el Pan de Muerto como una tradicion muy Mexicana.

Instrucciones para disfrutar su Pan de Muerto

Congelamos el pan de muerto recien horneado y nosotros se lo mandamos asi para que se descongele en el camino y le llegue a su mesa fresco y listo para comerse. Para saborearlo mejor y si asi lo desea lo puede pre-calentar, favor de remover el papel Celofan y meter al horno por unos minutos a 300F (175C), una vez sacado del horno espolvorearlo con azucar y disfretelo.!!

El Pan de Muerto se hace de la manera tradicional a base de huevo con mantequilla y espolvoreado de azucar, ligeramente aromatizado.

El pan de muertos es una deliciosa tradicion muy Mexicana. Su origen tiene raices desde la epoca prehispanica, ya que le daban mucha atencion a la muerte, pero al llegar los espanoles a Mexico, esta tradicion se fusiono con el catolicismo al conmemorar a los familiares difuntos, principalmente los dias 1 y 2 de Noviembre.

Comer pan de muerto con chocolate caliente o atole, es una tradicion Mexicana. En muchos hogares se hacen altares a los muertos con su fotografia. En los altares se colocan ofrendas de frutas, flores, dulces, panes, calaveritas de azucar y bebidas que agradaran al difunto. Todo ello con el fin de ayudar al difunto en su transito a la otra vida. Es decir lo ayudaban con comida. Entre los aztecas existia ya una tradicion de colocar sobre sus tumbas ofrendas de monos hechos con semillas de amaranto.

El pan de muertos esta elaborado con mantequilla y una sutil esencia de azahar en conmemoracion de las flores que se presentan a los muertos. Sobre el pan se simulan los huesos del esqueleto.

El Dia de Muertos y la tradicion del Pan de Muerto

El Dia de Muertos se celebra en Mexico el 2 de Noviembre, inicialmente debido una tradicion cultural prehispanica, ya que se acostumbraba enterrar a los muertos haciendoles un velorio que duraba 3 dias y se les colocaba una ofrenda en sus tumbas con comida. A los altares o decoraciones que se hacian, se les ponian adornos de flores amarillas (cempasuchil) y se les agregaban objetos personales que supuestamente los ayudarian a continuar su camino al mas alla. Entre la comida que se les colocaba en la tumba o en los altares de las casas al recordarlos estaban los tamales de chile rojo.

Esta tradicion se fue complementando con la llegada de los espanoles en la epoca de la conquista quienes cambiaron la fecha de celebracion al dia de difuntos del calendario catolico, el 2 de Noviembre, un dia despues del dia de Todos los Santos. Los espanoles iniciaron el uso de la harina de trigo para estas ocasiones y empezaron a preparar los panes de donde nacio la tradicion del pan de dulce denominado Pan de Muerto.

La forma del pan de muertos tiene varias interpretaciones, hay quienes piensan que es como una flor con sus petalos y pistilos, pero la gran mayoria consideran que la bola del centro es la forma del craneo rodeada con huesos de las extremidades (canillas) que apuntan a esa bola central. El sabor a azahar o flor del naranjo se utiliza en recuerdo de los difuntos y para tener un aroma agradable. La forma redonda del pan de muerto simboliza una tumba.

Video Altar de Muertos en Las Manos del Artesano Gallery en La Jolla - Tradicion narrada por Juan Carlos Brito

Los altares del Dia de Muertos, se decoran con un gran numero de adornos, utilizando flores, velas, calaveras de dulce, veladoras, fotografias, papel crepe, vasijas, varios panes de muerto y platones con platillos mexicanos como: tamales, mole, nopalitos, pozole, atole, chocolate y otros dulces mexicanos y postres como el arroz de leche y la calabaza en tacha. El petate que se usa en la decoracion de los altares y donde se coloca la ofrenda simboliza el lugar donde el difunto llega a descansar para disfrutar de su banquete.

Interesante la cercania que tiene la celebracion del Dia de Muertos con el dia de Halloween y por tanto a veces se confunden. En Estados Unidos se celebra el 31 de Octubre el dia de Halloween o Noche de Brujas, que viene de la cultura Inglesa, donde los ninos se disfrazan y pasean por las calles pidiendo dulces de puerta en puerta. La tradicion hace que los ninos pidan dulce o hacen una travesura. Dulce o Treta (Trick or Treat). La palabra Halloween viene de la expresion Inglesa de All Hallows Eve o la vispera del dia de Todos los Santos. En Mexico tambien ya se acostumbra celebrar el dia de Halloween y hay quienes piden: Me da mi calavera o dame mi calaverita o queremos Halloween!

Dichos Mexicanos relacionados con el Dia de Muertos

De golosos y tragones estan llenos los panteones.

A quien Dios quiere para si, poco tiempo lo tiene aqui.

Al fin que para morir nacimos...

Mas vale bien muerto que malvivido.

Matrimonio y mortaja, del cielo baja.

A ver a un velorio y a divertirse a un fandango.

Ni tanto que queme al santo, ni tanto que no lo alumbre.

Se hace pesado el difunto cuando siente que lo cargan.

El hombre propone y Dios dispone.

Al vivo todo le falta y al muerto todo le sobra.

A burro muerto la cebada al rabo.

Cansado de velar cadaveres y no puros muertos con cabezas de cerillo.

Como ya me he muerto, si lo que es la eternidad.

A mi las calaveras me pelan los dientes.

Asustar con el petate del muerto.

Ay muerte, no te me acerques, que estoy temblando de miedo.

Caite cadaver.

Cargar con el muerto.

Cayendo el muerto y soltando el llanto.

Cuando el tecolote canta, el indio muere.

Cuanto me gusta lo negro, aunque me espante el difunto.

De un jalon hasta el panteon.

el muerto a la sepultura y el vivo a la hogaza.

El muerto y el arrimado a los tres dias apestan.

El que por su gusto muere hasta la muerte le sabe.

El que por tragon se petatea, hasta el pan de muerto se lleva.

Estira la pata; Colgo los tenis. Ya chupo faros. Pasa a mejor vida. Se petate. Se lo llevo la huesuda.

Era mas grande el difunto.

Huyes de la mortaja y te abrazas del difunto.

Las penas no matan, pero ayudan a morir.

Morir en la raya.

Muerto el ahijado, se termino el compadrazgo.

Muerto el perro se acaba la rabia.

No le pido pan al hambre, ni chocolate a la muerte.

Solo los guajolotes mueren en la vispera.

Yerba mala nunca muere y si muere no hace falta.

Uno propone, dios dispone, llega la muerte y todo lo descompone.

Te haces como la mama del muerto, haces que lloras para no dar cafe.


La calaca tilica y flaca, la calaca turrun tun tun, Mira como baila la Calaca, fijate como echa vacilon. Da un pasito al frente la ciriaca, mira como mueve el esternon, Al moverse parece matraca con ese pasito de talon. Fijate como ella se destapa con su bailecito sabroson. La calaca tilica y flaca, la calaca turrun tun tun.

Las Ofrendas de un Altar de Muertos y su significado

La Flor de Cempasuchil significa la vida eterna de los difuntos junto a Dios.
Las Veladoras simbolizan el elemento Fuego y la luz que ilumina el camino de las animas.
El Agua significa la vida, el bautismo y sirve para calmar la sed del difunto.
El Copal o Incienso es el vehiculo que une el cielo con la tierra, igual que las oraciones.
La Sal es el rito funerario que se usaba para rociar al difunto para evitar la corrupcion del cuerpo. Su fin en el altar es para deleitar a las almas con el sabor agradable y representa la defensa contra la influencia del mal.
El Pan de Muerto viene de la creencia prehispanica y europea de comunicarse con la divinidad y los cuerpos de los muertos.
Las Calaveras de Azucar significan una alusion a la muerte y simbolizan el elemento tierra.
El Papel Picado significa el elemento viento.


34 Reviews
94% (32)
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3% (1)
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100% Recommend this product (34 of 34 responses)
By Vilma
Columbia, South Carolina
October 23, 2021
I received my Pan de Muertos in South Carolina on 10/22, and the pan is delicious, fluffy and fresh! Had a slice one box was opened, and now with some coffee. My husband loves the pan too. I would definitely recommend this Pan. Takes me back when I was little enjoying this pan! Thanks for offering this great Pan de Muerto!
  • Great taste, soft, fluffy, fresh tasting.
  • None! This pan is fantastic!
By Mike
New York
November 16, 2019
Reminded me of the Easter bread Italians make. It came very fresh. I will order again.
By Dreznik
Gulfport, Mississippi
The Perfect Addition
December 9, 2014
Having bought the gift pack, I wanted an additional Pan and this was the perfect choice. Wonderfully Mexican and exquisitely baked with authentic, rich flavour.
  • True Mexican Taste
  • Speedy Delivery
By Sandy
Awesome bread
November 19, 2012
Wonderful bread. My Spanish students totally enjoyed it! Great delivery service as well.
  • Nothing
By Maria A.
Miami, Florida
Buen Pan de Muerto
November 4, 2021
Muy rico,suave lo recomiendo!!!
By Alexis C.
Capistrano Beach
November 14, 2020
Delicious, packaged well & arrived on time!!
By Alejandra T.
The best pan de muerto I have had outside Mexico
November 25, 2018
just the the one from my childhood!
By Nadia
Houston, TX
November 24, 2018
Much better than I expected...very good.
By Margaret
Safety Harbor, Florida
Perfect description... exactly what I was looking for
November 8, 2018
I purchased 5 medium Pan de Muerto for my daughters school project. The bread was delicious and the kids loved it!!! I would definitely purchase this product again.
  • Bread was fresh and delicious
  • Nice packaging
  • Easy to order and arrived when promised
  • Loved the individual sugar packets
  • None
By Annette
A real treat
November 3, 2018
Soft, moist, and very tasty. Definitely will be ordered again next year
By utahbluebird
Salt Lake City
Freshly baked and delightful box
October 26, 2018
Heat in low temp oven for about 8-10 minutes, delicious! Also great as a breakfast bread. You will not be disappointed in the taste of this bread. We loved it.
By Valerie Z.
New Jersey
Beautiful & Tasty!
November 4, 2017
We celebrated our first Day of the Dead this year and wanted to make sure we had a good pan de muerto. When this arrived it smelled heavenly! We tried it without heating it first. It was so flavorful! The next day we heated up what was left and it was even better! We will definitely keep ordering our pan de muerto from here! Thank you!
  • Arrives fresh, amazing flavor, smells amazing
By pammiedoodle
Lewisburg, WV
Good but suprising
November 9, 2016
My pan was excellent in flavor. I was surprised to see lard in the ingredients.
  • Quick delivery, fresh, good amaranth and orange water flavor.
  • Lard and animal fat in the ingredient list.
By e
Excellent as always
November 7, 2015
Pan de Muerto is always wonderful. Sweet, fragrant, with a hint of orange. Yum. It freezes well too, so you can stock up to share it with family.
  • Delicious
  • Freezes well
  • only available once per year
By Diann
St. Maries, Id
very good
November 22, 2014
This is very tasty bread for the holiday season or anytime. Will buy again next year. Was packed in seperate box to stay fresh.
By Alejandra P.
October 23, 2013
Nunca confié que el pan llegara suave y fresco, esta delicioso!
  • Riquísimo sabor, suave, muy bien empacado. A mis hijos les encanto.
  • Precio....muy alto. Es el costo del antojo estando lejos de nuestro México, si lo pagué, pero
  • sólo para calmar el antojo.
By bread l.
United States
Re: recipe
October 21, 2013
It is difficult to determine how all 11 cups of flour are used, since the recipe only refers to 5, plus additional. I would change my comments here once I buy and taste the product, but I am only referring to the recipe now.

Merchant Response:Sorry for the typo, it should be 5 cups of flour in the ingredients list. The recipe is from Chef Jesse Tiscareno, not from Our bread comes from EL MOLINO Bakery in Mexico, please review our bread.
By Brenda
Atlanta, GA
October 22, 2012
I can't even begin to express how happy I was when I found out you guys carry this pan de muerto from El Molino. I am from Mexico CIty, & one of the things I miss most from Mexican food is the pan de muerto which I have tasted here & is just not the same. When my order arrived I was so pleased with the quality. It was so fresh & tasty that I immediately ordered some more for my brother & sister who live in Texas. I would recommend it to anyone, or maybe not 'cause I don't want you guys to run out :)
By Sofia
So many memories...
November 30, 2011 was like being at my grandmother's home again! We all got together and enjoyed this delicious bread accompanied by a hot cup of chocolate abuelita.
  • so fresh!
  • very expensive!
By I r.
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 22, 2011
I buy this every year and am never disappointed. Thank you Mexgrocer!
By Susana
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 19, 2011
I am so happy to have bought this . Authentic Mexican Flavor!
By Michelle
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 10, 2011
This is the real authentic Pan de Muerto! I buy it every year. It brings good memories and it's delicious.
By Rosy
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 2, 2011
This Pan de muerto is delicious! Completely authentic and fresh. Great quality, fast delivery. I was very happy to finally have good Pan de Muerto after years of looking for a decent one. 100% Satisfied!
By Pat
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
October 28, 2011
This was absolutely delicious! I had it delivered to the office so I could share with my co-workers and everyone loved it. The order arrived fast and the bread was soft and fresh. Will definitely reorder.
By Liz
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
October 14, 2011
I used to live in Mexico and I always miss pan de muerto at this time of year. I have ordered it for the past 2 years and I will continue to do so! It's completely authentic! I am sooo thankful that it can be shipped from Mexico!!
By Erin
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 28, 2010
The Molino Pan de Muerto is fragrant and delicious, and Mexgrocer always ships it much faster than the conservative estimate on the website.
By Cath
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 27, 2010
We sent this to our daughter and her family - they loved it! It arrived faster than estimated and was fresh and yummy. A great way for our grandson to learn about his heritage.
By Richard H.
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 23, 2010
Bread arrived fresh and delicious. It was the centerpiece of our Day of the Dead celebration.
By George
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 21, 2010
This Pan de Muerto is amazing and it arrives quickly and fresh. Highly recommended!
By Sonia
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 19, 2010
Great bread, we had it here in Germany, the delivery time was also great and many people liked sharing our traditions.
By Bea
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
November 14, 2010
first time I order it and I loved it I will order it again next year, it was so fresh and delicious I recommend it.
By nana
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
October 29, 2010
i never ordered a pastry/bread from internet before. i'm so excited. it came fresh and its beautiful! i'm proud to serve it to my family and friends.
By Daniela
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
September 30, 2010
Que bueno que ya tienen en venta de nuevo el Pan de Muerto El Molino para la temporada 2010, ya son varios años que lo hemos comprado con ustedes y a toda mi familia le trae muy buenos recuerdos de Mexico, pero sobre todo que esta muy sabroso y podemos celebrar nuestra tradición del Día de Muertos.
By Belci
Review for Pan de Muerto - Mexican Bread of the Dead - Large
September 30, 2009
El Molino is one of the best Bakeries in Mexico City. They sell the finest bread, cakes, "pambacitos", "flan", tamales, jello, puding, etc...If you ever been in there, you know what I'm talking about. If you want to give a quality present from El Molino, always will be greatly aprecciated.



Proudly delivering authentic Mexican food directly to your door for over 23 years.