Japanese Peanuts Dry Roasted with Lime 3.7 oz by Makana - Pack of 14

Makana Peanuts
Japanese Peanuts Dry Roasted with Lime 3.7 oz by Makana
Price 13.95
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Product Features
  • Dry Roasted Japanese Peanuts
  • Crunchy Coated
  • 3g Omega 6 per serving
  • 0% Cholesterol
  • 0% Transfat
  • 7g Protein
  • 160 Calories per serving


Japanese Peanuts Dry Roasted with Lime Makana 3.7 oz

Cacahuates Japoneses Mexicanos marca MAKANA importados de Mexico

Crunchy Coated Japanese Peanuts are a very popular and tasty snack, the peanuts are covered in wheat flour flavored with soy sauce and spices. The MAKANA brand is made with the original recipe of Mr. Yoshigei Nakatani an immigrant of Japan who started to manufacture this product in 1945 at La Merced Public Grocery Market in Mexico City.

Today the MAKANA brand is manufactured in Mexico by Mr Nakatani's grandson using the same original recipe with the latest modern technology. It's the leading brand of Japanese peanuts sold in convenience stores in all Mexico.

In Japan, ironically the Japanese Peanuts are known as "Mexican Peanuts", but in Mexico and the USA they are called also "Japanese Mexican Peanuts".

Los Cacahuates Japoneses Mexicanos son una botana muy popular y sabrosa. Cacahuates Tostados cubiertos de harina de trigo condimentada con salsa de soya y especias. La marca MAKANA esta hecha con la receta original del Sr Yoshigei Nakatani de origen Japones que inicio la fabricacion de este producto en 1945 en su local de La Merced en la Ciudad de Mexico.

Actualmente la marca MAKANA es elaborada en Mexico por uno de sus nietos utilizando la misma receta original y es la marca lider en Mexico en tiendas de conveniencia de Cacahuates Japoneses.


Cacahuates Japoneses con Limon marca Makana importados de Mexico - Cacahuate Tostado Estilo Japones


Japanese Peanuts Dry Roasted with Lime 3.7 oz by Makana


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