Maya Mexican Vanilla Blend - 7.7 fl oz

Maya Mexican Vanilla Blend
Price 4.95
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Maya Blend Mexican Vanilla Product from Mexico

Vanilla Maya is a strong, distinctively intense vanilla flavor everyone craves. This Imitation Vanilla is Imported from Mexico where vanilla was first discovered; Vanilla Maya is now a kitchen necessity! Vanilla Maya enhances desserts (flan, puddings, ice cream, cakes, pies, cookies, cobblers), drinks (coffee, hot chocolate, smoothies), breakfast foods (pancakes, waffles, coffee cakes), and more. FDA approved, 100% coumarin free.

Ingredients: Vanillin, natural color, water, alcohol, propylene glycol, artificial flavor. Gluten Free. Coumarin-free.

Vanilla is a delicate Mexican flavor that enhances many foods. Amber in color, Maya Imitation Mexican Vanilla is made from the extractives of the vanilla bean. Vainilla or Vanille.


Vanilla is Mexico's gift to the world!

When the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez first met Emperor Moctezuma, during a religious ceremony, Cortez was offered a very exotic, special and original drink, which was named ""Xocohotl"".The drink was basically Chocolate and Vanilla. It so please Cortez that he inquired as to its special original flavor and fragrance; he was told it was Vanilla (Little Sheath which describes the shape of the Vanilla pod)Cortez was so impressed that he returned to Spain with a supply of Vanilla to add this special flavor and fragrance to the palate of the Spanish King.

At this moment in time because of the rarity and extraordinary cost in shipping, it soon became the exclusive and favored drink of all the Aristocrats and Royalty of Europe.

For the ensuing 300 years, Vanilla was transplanted to the different tropical zones throughout the world, without success.

Vanilla, a species of a climbing Orchid, grew a beautiful foliage and flowers in each of these regions but it never produced any Vanilla pods.A mystery to the world until 1836, a Frenchman observing very closely the original Vanilla plant, in Mexico, discovered the reason.Each of the orchid blooms was visited by the small ""Melipona"" bee, pollinization produced the fruit! Only in Mexico is the MELIPONA BEE found.

The most famous vanilla in Mexico comes from the region of Papantla in the state of Veracruz in the Golf of Mexico.

Since this discovery, Vanilla has been produced in other tropical regions of the world, but only through artificial pollinization.
This is the reason why Mexican Vanilla is the finest for flavor and fragrance throughout the world.


Maya Vainilla 228 ml

Vainilla imitacion marca Maya


La vainilla se obtiene de una planta orquídea de tallos sarmentosos y trepadores. Las flores de color amarillento de la vainilla son muy fragantes, las carnosas vainas que da la planta carecen totalmente de aroma hasta el momento en que se secan y curan. La vaina suele medir entre 15 y 23 cm. de largo; es delgada y contiene una pulpa oleosa y numerosas semillas de tamaño minúsculo . Se recolectan cuando aún están verdes, pero al curarlas adquieren un color castaño oscuro y su superficie externa se hace rugosa. De cada vaina sólo se obtiene un 2 % de vainilla, el principio aromático que se utiliza para dar sabor a diversos alimentos. Su extracción de las vainas se efectúa mediante un proceso en el que se emplean alcoholes. La planta de la vainilla se cultiva extensamente en las zonas de clima cálido y húmedo. Se usan árboles o emparrados como soporte de los tallos trepadores."


Review Summary
2 Reviews
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50% Recommend this product (1 of 2 responses)
By kathryn
chincoteague, va
there's more to it
August 20, 2012
This product has "propylene glycol" and "artificial flavor". If that is something you don't want in you food, don't buy this.
By Tammy
Review for Maya Mexican Vanilla
May 20, 2010
This stuff is the bomb! It makes everything you bake satisfying and delicious. Talk about you baking wishes! You will almost lick the dishes... Great price too.


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