Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas - 4.4 lbs

Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
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Maseca Instant Corn Masa Flour - Gluten Free

Tortillas corn flour made from ground, dried corn. Ideal to make masa harina (dough) for tortillas, sopes and empanadas, enchiladas, pupusas, guaraches, coricos (galletas de maiz), arepas and atole. Maseca Instant Corn Masa is a product from Azteca Milling. Maseca corn flour is gluten free.

Azteca Milling LP, the producer of Maseca and "Stone Ground" VGP brand Masa - Mixta, is a division of Gruma Corporation. With 50 years of experience in the production of corn masa flour, it's no wonder that Gruma is the world's largest producer of corn masa flour.


3 cups MASECA corn flour traditional (white bag)
3 3/4 cups water room temperature
1 lb cheese (queso fresco, mozzarella or monterrey jack)
1 lb chorizo or longaniza (Mexican sausage)
vegetable oil for frying

Mix the water with MASECA corn flour and mix it until consistency and texture is uniform (about 10 minutes). The masa is ready when the masa doesn't stick in your hands. Make 20 balls of masa of the same size. (golf ball size)


Cover the top and the inside botton of the tortilla press with a piece of plastic. Place one ball in the middle and press, to form a tortilla with a diameter of 4 1/2 to 5 inches.


Pull back the top of the plastic from the tortilla. Place a spoon of cooked chorizo and a slice of cheese on top of the tortilla masa. Fold in half and seal the contents by pressing the edges together, with your fingers. Peel the empanada away from the plastic and fry it in vegetable oil at 450 F degrees until the empanada turns light brown.


Remove casting from chorizo and fry it in a large pan until browned.


Grade cheese slices into pieces of 2 1/2 inches long and 1/2 inches thick.

(Courtesy of Jesus Bojorquez "The masa man")

Please visit our article: "Tortillas, a Mexican tradition" at Making Tortillas.

Video Como hacer Tortillas de Maiz con Maseca que se inflen por Cocina con Adela


Masa Instantanea de Maiz - Libre de Gluten

Harina de maíz de Maseca para hacer tortillas de masa, sopes, gorditas, empanadas, enchiladas, enchiladas potosinas, pupusas, guaraches (huaraches), coricos, atole y champurrado.


Se retira el líquido de cocimiento (llamado nejayote) y se enjuaga el maíz sin frotarlo una o dos veces, hasta que el agua salga limpia; se escurre. El maíz está listo para ser molido en el metate de piedra, o en el molino de mano casero, o para ser llevado al molino público, donde se muele con el agregado de un poco de agua, dando origen a la masa.
La masa se conserva en lugar húmedo y de ella se van tomando las cantidades necesarias para hacer tortillas. Para una tortilla común, de aproximadamente 14 cm. de diámetro, se necesitan 30 gramos de masa.

El Metate

El metate es una piedra volcánica rectangular (aproximadamente de 50 centímetros de largo por 30 de ancho) de superficie plana y ligeramente cóncava o curva que se apoya sobre tres conos invertidos del mismo material, resultando un poco inclinada. Se usa para moler granos (principalmente de maíz), semillas y chiles. Para usarlo, las mujeres se arrodillan y con las dos manos asen el METLAPIL, un rodillo de piedra más grueso en el centro que en los extremos, con el cual estrujan los productos en su superficie. Otro nombre del metlapil es MANO. El metate, aún hoy de uso generalizado en rancherías y pueblos, se reemplaza con el molino manual de maíz, la licuadora o el procesador de alimentos. Además, la industria moderna ofrece muchos productos ya molidos.


Para hacer una tortilla se toma la masa necesaria, se hace una bolita que se coloca en el centro de la prensa manual, encima de un pedazo de plástico transparente de 20 x 20 cm. (fig. 1), se le pone encima otro pedazo de plástico igual, se cierra la tapa de la prensa y se presiona: naturalmente, cuanto mayor sea la presión ejercida, más delgada quedará la tortilla.
Se abre la prensa y se quita el plástico superior empezando por una esquina del lado del mango. Se desprende el otro pedazo de plástico junto con la tortilla y con cuidado se voltea ésta sobre los dedos de la mano abierta, desprendiendo el plástico. La tortilla se extiende sobre el comal caliente; cuando empieza a inflarse se aplana un poco con la mano. Se voltea la tortilla tres o cuatro veces hasta que se dore en algunos puntos en ambos lados, y se coloca en una canasta especial (chiquihuite o tlaxcal), en el cual las tortillas apiladas se envuelven en una servilleta gruesa.


Se puede usar harina de maíz nixtamalizado (MASECA), la cual se amasa con 1 1/4 litros de agua tibia por cada kilo de harina y se deja reposar. De 1 kilo de maíz se obtienen 1.500 gramos de nixtamal y 1.600 gramos de masa, que dan aproximadamente 50 tortillas de 14 cm. de diámetro. De 1 kilo de harina de maíz nixtamalizado se obtienen 2.250 gramos de masa y aproximadamente 75 tortillas.
Las tortillas recién hechas son más sabrosas, pero se pueden recalentar; en este caso, es conveniente pasarles la mano húmeda encima una vez que estén en el comal. Recién hecha, la tortilla presenta por una cara una fina, o sea una piel delgada que, para la elaboración de algunos platillos, se desprende en el momento de sacarla del comal.
Las tortillas del día anterior sirven para infinidad de platillos y antojitos y en este libro se dan varias recetas de ellos (chilaquiles, enchiladas, totopos, etc.) Y una tortilla del día anterior, simplemente tostada sobre el comal o la plancha, dorada y crujiente, se le denomina ""tostada"" y es el complemento perfecto de un buen guacamole o de unos frijoles refritos. Arepa.


20 Reviews
90% (18)
10% (2)
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100% Recommend this product (20 of 20 responses)
By Solei R.
Very good.
September 29, 2022
It was delicious. Will be making more. Thank you for the video.
By Marilyn
Western PA
I made tortillas!!
June 10, 2020
Very easy to use. First time I made tortillas, so I am pleased with the flavor and results.
By Michael
Amherst, MA
The real deal.
June 1, 2020
Maseca is THE masa for making tortillas. I had had trouble finding it in stores near me. Bought two large bags and am working my way through them.
By Olga
San Jose, California
Worth the wait
May 28, 2020
All stores in our area were out of Maseca fount Mexgrocer online and decided to order glad I did.
  • Had everything I wanted
  • The wait but wasn?t as bad as other places.
By Gennie
Puerto Rico
Great flavor
May 14, 2020
Great flavor
By Ana
May 10, 2020
My first time trying making pupusas. It all come down to the right ingredients, this did not disappoint! Also the order came sooner than expected. I have recommended to friends.
Thank you
By Bianca
San Pedro, CA
Easy and fast
April 21, 2020
Love this brand when you want to make quick tortillas. The flavor is great too and fast cook time.
  • Easy and fast
By Glenn
Milwaukee, WI
Makes a great corn tortillas
May 12, 2019
I thought I would try this product to make my own tortillas. Worked out great. You do need a very hot griddle to make a good tortillas
By Estella A.
Junction City, Oregon
December 6, 2017
I am using an entire bag of maseca (4.4lb) but need the ingredient amounts converted. Is there anyone out there who can help me. I am math challenged!
By Bethany
Renick, WV
Great stuff!
August 27, 2012
I love using this stuff for everything! I've used it as a part of my pancake batter, for tortillas, champurrado, tamales, you name it. I love making tortillas, especially my kids, because its like playing with playdough and rolling the masa out into balls and squishing them flat. Makes great tortillas, nothing like homemade! :)
  • Easy to work with
  • Versatile
  • Delish
  • Price is a bit high
By L H.
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
November 28, 2011
Makes great tortillas. My family has used this product for a long time
By Neil
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
November 24, 2011
Easy to make, good quality masa flour. We use bags every month.
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
August 17, 2011
This was absolutely perfect! The tortillas turned out perfect and the flavor was great!
By Adriana M.
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
August 13, 2011
A great buy, it was a long time since the last day I tasted tortillas and it was a real pleasure. But the best thing is the masa is fresh, so the tortillas were perfect. Thank you so much for delivering it in a fast manner!
By Stan J.
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
October 8, 2010
Great product. Much better than ready made store bought procduct.
By Charlie
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
August 31, 2010
Great, super easy to make up dough. The flavor is really good!
By Adele
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
August 4, 2010
great to handle and very authentic tasting!
By Julie
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
May 28, 2010
Lovely flour and it makes a fabulous tortilla.
By Linda S.
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
May 17, 2010
Our community hosted a Cinco de Mayo dinner and served tamales made from Maseca Flour. Even the most conservative Mexican diner enjoyed the flavor of the tamales.
By Bill
Review for Tortillas - Maseca Corn Flour Masa for Tortillas
December 22, 2009
I can't wait to try other recipes the great taste of Maseca, Masa



22 lbs
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(Pack of 2)
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