Nescafe Cafe con Leche - 10.5 oz

Nescafe Cafe con Leche
Price 8.95
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Cafe con Leche - Nescafe Caf‚ con Leche 10.5 oz

Do you love the sweet and creamy taste of cafe of leche? Nescafe brings that authentic flavor and texture with their 3 in 1 powder mix that blends their soluble instant coffee mix, Nido milk powder and sugar. It is such a simple and convinient product its basically already prepared and sweetened for you, all you have to do is pour hot water into a mug, add three scoops of the instant coffee mix and stir. Its as easy as 1..2..3! Its delicious and nutritious for you too, since Nescafe is made with with whole milk it contributes 10% of your daily calcium needs


Cafe con Leche de Nescafe

Te encanta el dulce y cremoso sabor que tiene el cafe con leche? Nescafe te trae el autentico sabor y la textura con su mezcla 3 en 1 de cafe en polvo, que contiene no solo su cafe soluble instantaneo si no tambien leche Nido en polvo y azucar. Es un producto simple y conveniente ya que basicamente viene preparado y endulzado a tu gusto, lo unico que tienes que hacer es servir agua caliente en una taza, agrega 3 cucharones de Nescafe Cafe con Leche y mezclalo. Es facilisimo, ademas de delicioso y nutritivo ya que Nescafe esta hecho con leche entera lo cual contribuye un 10% del calcio que necesitas diariamente.


Review Summary
1 Reviews
100% (1)
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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
San Fernando Valley Ca.
I've tried it ( very good flavor { delicious mmmmmm sooo good jummy for my tummy} )I'm hooked on it ) I wish it was bigger ( container & content )
July 14, 2015
I really love this product excellent taste ( the Bigger container / Better bigger flavor)
  • everything
  • 0 cero nothing nada zilch.
  • advice to NESCAFE.
  • please place content in a bigger container (size) the more product we have the more we enjoy . thats how good it is .
  • please try it .you won't regret it. you'l be glad you did. take the taste challenge.

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