The Taste of Mexico by Patricia Quintana - 1 unit

The Taste of Mexico by Patricia Quintana
Price 65.00
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The Taste of Mexico by Patricia Quintana (Used Good)

Author(s): Patricia Quintana

The Taste of Mexico - Authentic Mexican recipes cookbook. Including recipes for huitlacoches or cuitlacoches considered a Mexican corn truffle. Also look for the delicious squash blossoms (flor de calabaza) dishes.

Patricia Quintana is respected throughout Mexico as a premier cook and author. Here she renders both the country of Mexico and its distinct foods. Filled with full-page photographs, the book is divided along Mexico’s regions. It is difficult to give you a sampling of recipes from this book, as they are all so unique and varied, but here is a short tour:

Cactus Blossom & Hearts of Palm Salad
Fresh Corn Tamales with Milk
Chicken in Masa, Hasteco-Veracruz Style
Smoked Oysters, Tapesco Style
Hibiscus-Blossom Sherbert
Tangerine Mousse


El Sabor de México

En todo México se respeta a Patricia Quintana como una cocinera y autora sobresaliente. En este tomo, ella le rinde honor tanto al país de México como a sus diversos platillos. Repleto con una gran cantidad de fotografías a toda página, el libro está dividido a lo largo de las regiones de México. Es difícil ofrecer una muestra de las recetas de este libro de cocina, ya que todas son tan únicas y variadas, pero le brindamos este pequeño recorrido: Ensalada de Flores de Nopal y Corazones de Palma, Tamales de Elotes Tiernos con Pollo en Masa, Ostiones Ahumados al Estilo de la Huasteca Veracruzana, Mousse de Jamaica con Sorbete de Mandarina Estilo Tapesco. Biscocho o pastel tres leches.


The Taste of Mexico by Patricia Quintana

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