Knorr Chicken Flavored Bouillon - 15.9 oz

Knorr Chicken Flavored Bouillon
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Knorr powdered chicken bouillon in jar for base in soups and sauces.

Knorr's chicken flavored Bouillon powder is the perfect ingredient to flavor any chicken based dish, as well as give a unique chicken flavor to any recipe. Just dissolve the powder slowly onto stews, soups, noodles, pasta and vegetables for a truly tasty meal that is bursting with great flavor. This bouillon powder is also ideal for those days when you have a nasty cold and need something warm to lift your spirits. Turn ordinary foods into great tasting meals with Knorr's bouillon products. What's even better is that it has a long shelf life, so its always there for all of your cooking needs.


Dissolve 1 teaspoon of KNORR chicken flavored Bouillon in 1 cup of boilingwater. Discover that nothing tastes like Knorr!

Granulated to cube conversion: 1 tbsp = 1 cube.

Serving Ideas

Give flavor and dimension to recipes such as rice, sauces, soups, stews,pasta, chicken dumplings, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing,casseroles, steamed vegetables, etc.


  • Ready to use direct from the jar.
  • Best if used by date on top of jar.
  • 870mg of sodium.
  • 15.9 oz. 450g

Ingredients: salt, sugar, corn starch, monosodium glutamate, beef fat, hydrolized corn protein, powdered cooked chicken, yeast extract (barley), chicken fat, natural flavor, maltodextrin, silicon dioxide (prevents caking), dehydrated parsley, disodium inosinate, citric acid, yellow 5, yellow 6, annatto (color).


Knorr Caldo con Sabor de Pollo

Consomé de pollo en frasco para usarse como base de sopas y salsas Knorr.

Knorr, lleva el autentico sabor latino a tu cocina.

El polvo con sabor a pollo de la marca Knorr es el ingrediente perfectopara preparar y darle un sabor unico a toda receta que lleve pollo ocualquier tipo de ave. Disfruta su sabor disolviendolo encima decaldos, sopas, fideo, pasta y verduras para crear platillos queliteralmente te haran agua la boca. Este polvo para cocinar tambienes ideal para aquellos dias en los que te encuentras batallando conuna gripe fuerte y necesitas calientito que te levante el animo.Convierte platillos comunes en recetas llenas de sabor con el caldoen polvo Knorr. Lo que es mejor todavia es que el producto durabastante, por lo cual siempre esta a la mano para todas tusnecesidades culinarias.


Disuelva 1 cucharadita de KNORR caldo con sabor de Pollo en 1 taza de aguahirviendo. Descubre que nada sabe como Knorr!

Equivalencias de caldo en polvo a caldo en cubitos: 1 cucharada = 1 cubo.

Sugerencias de como servir:

Dale sabor y dimension a tus recetas favoritas, como arroz, salsas,caldos, sopas, pasta, tarta de pollo, pure de papa, relleno,cacerolas y verduras al vapor.


  • Listo para usar directo del envase.
  • Consumase preferentemente antes de la fecha marcada en la tapa.
  • 870mg de sodio.
  • 15.9 oz. 450g

Ingredientes:sal, azucar, fecula de maiz, glutamato monosodico, grasa de res,proteina de maiz hidrolizada, carne de pollo deshidratada en polvo,extracto de levadura (cebada), grasa de pollo, saborizante natural,maltodextrina, dioxido de silicio (antiglomerante), perejildeshidratado, inosinato disodico, acido citrico, amarillo 5,amarillo 6, achiote (para color).


2 Reviews
50% (1)
50% (1)
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100% Recommend this product (2 of 2 responses)
By Jack
Review for Knorr Chicken Flavored Bouillon
October 4, 2011
I originally purchased this item from Costco. Evidently they discontinued this item or was out of stock when I needed to reorder so I checked the internet and found Their price was competitive (even figuring the freight) so I ordered it from them along with some other items. Their service was excellent. I use this product for many things. It makes the best country gravy. Milk, butter, Knorr's bouillon and thickening. It is good for any recipe calling for chicken stock.
By Adrienne F.
Review for Knorr Chicken Flavored Bouillon
September 1, 2010
Had been using for some time. Didn't fine it at my usual store so looked it up on line.l I think it is the best.


5.6 oz
6 items
6 items
20 items
7.9 oz


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