Pollo en Salsa Verde - Comal Comida Casera Shredded Chicken - 8 oz
Comal FoodsDescription
Comal Comida Casera Shredded Chicken in Salsa Verde 8 oz
The history and tradition of the Salsa Verde dates from the ancient Mexicans and their ingredients are have been around for millions of years; while the Chile was first used in 6,000 B.C, studies have found that the tomatillo used for the Salsa Verde dates back more than 56 million years. The Molcajete, used to prepare the salsa verde, dates to the pre-Hispanic era.Experience the traditional Mexican Pollo en Salsa Verde, where our traditional handmade salsa verde made of fresh blend of tomatillos, cilantro, green chilies spinach and jalapeno peppers blended with special spices is poured over the best handpick pieces of chicken to be specially cooked, achieving the most authentic, traditional, tender and juicy shredded chicken with salsa verde.Experience the authentic and traditional Mexican Cerdo en Salsa Verde by itself, in a taco, in amazing enchiladas, tasty burritos, or thousands of different recipes and see why the Mexican Cuisine was Declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Video Pollo en Salsa Verde con Nopales
Comal Comida Casera Pollo en salsa verde esterilizado 8 OZ
Los Productos de Comal Foods - Comal Cocina Casera
- Están hechos con carne 100% natural.
- Hechos con vegetales frescos sin gluten.
- Listos para comer, solo se calientan y se sirven.
- Son Ricos en nutrientes.
- Deliciosos solos o combinados en una receta casera.