Salsa Fresca - Fresh Salsa Mexico Style

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Receta para preparar un Salsa Fresca Casera estilo Mexicana

Cook Time:15



5 - 10 Fresh jalapeņo (small, green, very hot) chiles5 - 10 Fresh gueros (small, yellow, very hot) chiles2 - 5 Fresh Anaheim chiles (long, green, mild)10 - 12 Medium-sized tomatoes2 onions4 Garlic cloves1 Large bunch cilantro1/2 tbsp Beef bouillon powder1 tsp Lemon juice


Wash all chiles and tomatoes and remove stems. In a large Dutch oven, place chiles and tomatoes in about one inch water. Bring to boil and simmer for two to three minutes. Remove from stove and cool for a few minutes. When you can handle the chile mixture, drain off about half the water and mince, by hand or in the food processor. Put all minced chiles and tomatoes in a large bowl. Dice onions and garlic in food processor and stir into chile mixture. Wash cilantro and cut off the longest portion of the stems. Dice remaining part of the plant in the food processor. Stir into salsa. Add lemon juice and bouillon. Stir well. Place in quart size jars and refrigerate. Depending on quantities of chiles and tomatoes you use, this should make two to three jars of salsa. It's best if refrigerated at least 8-12 hours and will keep for several days in the refrigerator.

Enjoy this delicious salsa fresca Mexican recipe!

Receta para preparar un Salsa Fresca Casera estilo Mexicana

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Salsa Fresca - Fresh Salsa Mexico Style

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