Ducal Refried Black Beans - 29 oz

Ducal Refried Black Beans
Price 7.95
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Refried Beans - Ducal Refried Black Beans

Ducal's Black Refried Beans are the best in quality, and are cooked and seasoned to provide easier preparation for this delicious accompaniment to popular Mexican foods. Black beans are a flavorful addition to many recipes including tostadas, sopes, huaraches, enchiladas, eggs, chimichangas, pupusas, chilaquiles, burritos, tacos, stuffed chiles and with many other traditional dishes.


Heat the opened can in a water bath for 10 minutes or fry as desired. Ifyou do not use all the product, immediately store it in acleancontainer and keep it under refrigeration.

Refried beans or frijoles refritos are dried beans cooked, mashed and thenfried in lard or oil with various seasonings including onions, saltand pepper.


  • RefriedBeans.
  • Easy-to-Open Can.
  • A cholesterol free food.
  • Good source of protein and fiber.
  • Calories: 190, Sodium: 410 mg.
  • A Product of Guatemala.
  • 29 oz 823 g.

Ingredients:Water, Black Beans, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Onion, Garlic.


Ducal Frijoles Negros Refritos

Frijoles negros refritos Ducal a la mexicana. Frijoles Negros Volteados.

Los Frijoles Negros de la marca Ducal son los mejores en calidad, yavienen cocidos y sazonados para facilitar la preparacion de estepopular acompañamiento de platillos autenticamente Mexicanos. Losfrijoles refritos son una rica adicion que llenara cualquier platillode sabor, se puede junto o para preparar tostadas, sopes, huaraches,enchiladas, tacos, huevos, chimichangas, popusas, chilaquiles,burritos, tacos, chiles rellenos y otras recetas tradicionales.


Calentar la lata abierta en baño maria por 10 minutos o freir su contenido algusto. Si no consume todo el producto, transfiera el resto a otrorecipiento y mantengalo en refrigeracion.

Frijoles Refritos

La forma tradicional de hacer los frijoles refritos consiste en freir lacebolla en el aceite, agregar los frijoles, dejar que se frianmientras se van machacando, hasta que esten chinitos, moviendo paraque no se quemen. Se forma un rollito con los frijoles en el sartény ya estan.


  • Frijoles Volteados / Molidos.
  • La lata es facil de abrir.
  • Alimento por naturaleza, libre de colesterol, alto en fibra y proteina.
  • Calorias: 190, Sodio: 410 g.
  • Producto de Guatemala.
  • 29 oz 823 g.

Ingredientes:agua, frijol negro, aceite vegetal, sal, cebolla y ajo.


Review Summary
3 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (3 of 3 responses)
By Karen
Camano Island, Washington
Great customer service!
December 28, 2017
I was so glad to find these beans that my family loves at a great price. There was a delay in shipping because of an internet problem, but when I called everything was taken care of quickly and my order came quickly. I really appreciated the personal service and prompt response.
By john
chicago, illinois
best beans
February 12, 2013
these are the best freaken beans in the whole world. next time you want to add some ka-pow to your dishes slap a dolop of this shit on them.
By Carla
Review for Ducal Refried Black Beans
December 4, 2010
These are the best refried beans in the market. Excellent product!

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