Guajillo Dried Chile Pepper - 2 oz

Guajillo Dried Chile Pepper
Price 4.95
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Guajillo Dried Chile Pepper by Tampico

Dried guajillo chile pepper

The Guajillo pepper pronounced [gwah-HEE-yoh] is a shiny, thick, leathery, red orange-red chile with bland to moderate amounts of heat. Guajillo are the most commonly grown chiles in Mexico, and are sold whole, dried. The Guajillo chile has a green tea flavor with berry tones and sweet heat. It's lengthened shape thins out in to a point, sometimes being slightly curved. Since Guajillo peppers have a tough skin they have to be soaked longer than other chiles before being used. Guajillos can get ground or hydrated into a thin paste or red flavorful sauce. They are usually used to make salsa for tamales, salsas, pastes, butters, chile sauces, rubs to flavor all kinds of meats such as chicken; soups and stews.

Wipe the Guajillo peppers with a most towel to remove soil or dust before toasting. Before soaking and blending, remove the chiles from the bag; remove the seeds, stems, and much of the veins as you can. Then slice the peppers and place in a bowl. You can store guajillos for up to six months or more, by storing them in an air tight container in a cool dry place. Guajillos can be substituted with New Mexico Chiles, Cascabels or California Chiles.

Guajillo Peppers Scoville Heat Units - 2,500 > 5,000



Chile guajillo seco.
Los Chiles Guajillo son chiles anaranjados, brillantes, gruesos,correosos con suave a moderadas cantidades de picor. Los Guajillos son los chiles mas cultivados en Mexico, y se venden enteros y secos. Los chiles Guajillo tienen un sabor a te verde con tonos de mora y dulce picor. Su forma alargada se adelgaza en forma de cono y tiene la punta ligeramente curveada. Como los guajillos tienen una piel muy dura, tienen que dejarse remojar mas tiempo que otros chiles antes de usarse. Los Chiles guajillo se pueden moler o hidratar en una pasta fina o en una sabrosa salsa de color rojo. Se usan para hacer salsa para tamales, salsas, pastas, mantequillas, salsas de chile, adobo para sasonar todo tipo de carne como el pollo, para hacer sopas y guisados.

Limpie los chiles Guajillo con una servilleta para remover la suciedad o el polvo antes de tostar. Antes de remojar y moler, retire las semillas, tallos y gran parte de las venas que pueda. Despues rebane los chiles y pongalos en un platon. Para que los chiles de duren seis meses o mas, guardelos en un recipiente hermetico en un lugar fresco y seco. Si no tiene guajillos, puede sustituirlos con Chile California, Chile Cascabel o Chile Nuevo Mexico.


5 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (5 of 5 responses)
By Janette
Winslow, ME
Household Staple
August 10, 2020
I live in Maine so these chiles are always difficult to come by. I use them for all sorts of recipes so I was very happy to see them on this site. They arrived perfectly, the package doesn't come with very many chiles so if you need more than 3-4 then I would buy more than 1 package.
  • Very well sealed
  • Doesn't come with many chiles.
By Iris
November 28, 2019
I hadn't used Guajillos before, but they are a nice addition to my cooking.
By Chris W.
New York
Love it
July 26, 2016
Best chili ever, always fresh. Will continue to buy it.
By Lynn
Western New York
Exactly what I needed.
January 29, 2014
I was making Mole and this item was on my list of items. Good product.
By Lynn C.
Review for Guajillo Dried Chile Pepper by Corona Real
March 23, 2011
Wonderful product! Just like I was shopping at a Mexican Market. I love


7 oz
2 oz
2.5 oz

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