Tortilla Press Cast Iron / Tortilladora Estrella - 7.5"
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Tortilla Press Cast Iron / Tortilladora Estrella - Tortilladora - Maquina Tortilladora - Tortilla Presser - Iron Tortilla Press - Tortilladora de Fierro - Best Quality
Tortilla press for flattening balls of dough into thin tortillas. It is made out of light cast iron and is 7" in diameter. Aprox. 5 lbs. Tortilladora. Prensa para Tortillas.
How to make masa and tortillas from tortilla flour and how to use the tortilla press and comal:
3 cups of Maseca Tortilla flour or masa harina
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 to 2 cups lukewarm water
Mix ingredients in a bowl with a fork. Gather into a ball, and knead dough until smooth and no longer sticky. Cover with a towel and allow to stand for 1 hour.
To make tortillas, line the base of the tortilla press with a sheet of plastic wrap. Pinch off balls of dough from the masa. Center the masa on the lined tortilla-press base. Cover the masa with a sheet of plastic wrap. Lower the top of the press and push down the handle. Open. The tortilla will have plastic wrap on the bottom. Carefully peel away the plastic on top. Place your hand under the tortilla. Flip the tortilla onto the other hand so the plastic is on top. Carefully peel away the plastic. Flip tortilla onto a preheated, very hot griddle or comal. When the tortilla begins to dry on the edges, flip it over. Cook until the top begins to puff. Tap lightly with your fingertips to allow for even puffing and let cook for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Remove tortillas, wrap in a napkin or clean towel, and serve.
Video How to use a Tortilla Press by A Mexican Cook
Use a Tortilla Press to make Tamales
Tip from Debbie McDade: We discovered how useful a tortilla press is for spreading the Masa in making Tamales. We make the dough then press a ball of it between 2 pieces of wax paper (which can be used many times). Then we remove 1 piece of the paper and lay it on the corn husks. Remove the other piece of paper and fill, roll, and cook. You wouldn't believe how much easier it is to make tamales!
Prensa para hacer tortillas - Tortilladora - Tortilladoras marca Estrella
Prensa para aplanar bolitas de masa para hacer tortillas. Tortillero. Tortilladora. Torteadora. Prensa para hacer tortillas. Maquina Tortilladora.
Antes de usar su maquina tortilladora de metal, favor de lavar con agua y jabon su tortilladora.
Para hacer una tortilla se toma la masa necesaria, se hace una bolita que se coloca en el centro de la prensa manual, encima de un pedazo de pl