Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods - 1 1/2 oz

Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods
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Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods

Ranchero Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods 1 1/2 oz

Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods by Ranchero Chile Morita is a variety of Chile Chipotle, Morita is spanish for black berry or black raspberry; literally "little purple one" because of their purple color. This is a description of how the chipotle looks. Most chipotle chiles are produced in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua. Almost all of the chipotle chiles found in the United States are of the morita variety. Chipotles can be purchased in many different forms, including chipotle powder, chipotle pods, chipotles en adobo in a can, concentrated chipotle base and wet chipotle meat marinade. Chipotles have a definite heat, but also a distinctive smoky flavor. The flesh is thick and so the chile is best if used in a slow-cooked dish rather than raw. Add whole chipotles to a soup, stew or in the braising liquid for meats. Chipotles are also a fine accompaniment to beans or lentils.


Dried Chili Morita Pods 1 1/2 oz

Dried Chili Morita Pods de Ranchero es una variedad de chile chipotle conocida como chile morita, que en espanol es mora negra o frambuesa negra; literalmente "el pequeno morado" por su color morado. Es una descripcion de como se ve el chipotle. La mayoria de los chiles chipotles son producidos en el Estado de Chihuahua al Norte de Mexico. Casi todos los chiles chipotles que se encuentran en los Estados Unidos son de la variedad Morita. Los chipotles se pueden comprar en varias formas, incluyendo chipotle molido, chipotle seco, chipotles en adobo en lata, base de chipotle concentrado y adobo de chipotle mojado para marinar carne. Los chipotles tienen un sabor ahumado y una intensidad definitiva. La carne es gruesa y por lo que el Chile es mejor si se utiliza en un platillo cocido a fuego lento en lugar de crudo. Agregue chipotles enteros a la sopa, guisado o en el caldo para carnes. Chipotles son un buen acompanamiento para frijoles o lentejas.


3 Reviews
67% (2)
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33% (1)
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66.67% Recommend this product (2 of 3 responses)
By Derek M.
Tazewell, TN
December 27, 2011
I bought these to go in chili powder for color and to add smoky flavor. This is my first experience with these peppers and next time I will use two or three bags!
By Adriana M.
Review for Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods
October 17, 2011
I used them right away and they were not hot at all. I love their flavor, but they were missing the kind of picante I adore from chiles moritas. Don't know if it has to do with their freshness (they looked great), or maybe the brand. I think for my next order I will look for another brand. Thanks!
By mark L.
Review for Dried Chile Morita Chili Pods
February 20, 2011
All of the chilis moritas I recieved were top fresh quality! I have already made several dishes since placing my order. It is so great to have access to some of my favorite chilis. Thank you.


1 oz
3 oz
1 1/2 oz
3/4 oz
3 oz
2 oz

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