Curry Powder - 1 oz

Curry Powder
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Curry powder is a mixture of up to 20 different herbs and spices, including the commonly used: cardamom, chiles, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, mace, nutmeg, pepper, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, saffron, tamarind and turmeric (which gives curry its characteristic golden color). Curry powder is a blend of many spices, and comes in almost infinite varieties Curry powder is largely composed of turmeric. The word "curry" is widely believed to be a corruption of the Tamil word kari, variously meaning something like sauce, cooked vegetables or meat. Through the mass exportation of the condiment to the western table, throughout Europe and North and South America, Curry powder was then largely popularized during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In Indian cooking curry is freshly ground each day (making it far more pungent and flavorful than the mixes sold in the store). Each curry powder can have different component spices, in differing amounts--making each curry blend unique. Curry powder is used in soups, and of course, curries. It is also used as a thickening agent in fish and meat dishes. Curry powder also can be used simply to accent a normal meal: pasta, stew and spaghetti. Use in meats, poultry, sauerkraut, eggs, fish, vegetables, tomato juice. Curry powder is also used in dips, chicken salad, and fruit salads.

Calories 0 per serving (0.5g)

Ingredients: Cayenne Pepper, coriander, cloves, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, ginger, black pepper, turmeric and salt.


Curry Powder 1 oz

El Curry en polvo es una mezcla de hasta 20 diferentes hierbas y especias, incluidos los de uso comun: el cardamomo, chiles, canela, clavos de olor, coriando, el comino, hinojo, la alholva, macis, nuez moscada, pimienta, semillas de amapola, ajonjoli, azafran, tamarindo y curcuma (que da al curry su caracteristico color dorado). El Curry en Polvo es una combinacion de muchas especias y viene en variedades casi infinitas. El Curry en Polvo esta mayormente compuesto por curcuma. La palabra "curry" se cree que es una corrupcion de la palabra tamil kari, que significa algo asi como diversas salsas, verduras cocidas o carne. A través de la exportación en masa de los condimentos a la mesa occidental, en toda Europa y América del Norte y del Sur, el polvo de curry se popularizó entonces en gran medida durante los siglos XIX y XX. En la cocina india el curry es fresco y molido al día (por lo que es mucho más picante y sabroso que la mezcla se venden en la tiendas). Cada curry en polvo pueden tener diferentes especias como componentes, en cantidades diferentes - haciendo que cada combinacion de curry sea unica. El Curry es usado en sopas y claro en curries. También se usa como un agente espesante en platos de pescado y carne. El Curry en polvo también se puede usar simplemente para acentuar una comida normal: espaguetis, pastas, y guisos. Uso en las carnes, las aves de corral, col, huevos, pescado, verduras, Jugo de tomate. Curry en polvo también se utiliza en salsas, ensalada de pollo, y ensaladas de frutas.

0 Calorias por porcion (0.5g)

Ingredientes: Chile Cayenne, semilla de cilantro, clavo, comino, hinojo, fenugreek, jengibre, pimienta negra, curcuma, sal.


Review Summary
Curry Powder   $4.95
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100% Recommend this product (3 of 3 responses)
Columbia, SC
Great Curry Spice
November 23, 2020
This curry spice is excellent. When I’m craving chicken curry, and the meal just tastes great. The real thing. Love it and I use this spice a lot. You won’t be disappointed. I highly recommend.
  • Great taste, great price, a good size portion.
  • None
By Diane
Grapeview, Wa.
curry powder
January 2, 2019
This is my utterly most favorite brand for this curry. Im a very good cook and love this smooth curry compare to other brands, no joke. I now live in Wa. and I miss this brand as we don't have this so ive found this online . YAY !!! thanks EL GUAPO!
By Scott
Upstate, NY
Nice spicy curry
September 24, 2012
I am no curry expert, but I prefer it over McCormack. It is not so sweet and has a nice spicy and clean taste. Plus, you can't beat the price.


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