Una de Gato - Cat's Claw - 1/4 oz
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Una de gato or cat's claw (cats claw). Uncaria tomentosa. Specie: Rubiaceae. Una de Gato is considered by many as perhaps the most important botanical of our time because of its ability to support the immune system*.
With Una de Gato the body's natural defense system is enhanced by the effect of a unique group of elements known as oxindole alkaloids. Una de Gato is also known as a cleanser. It supports the digestive system, intestinal tract and helps with bowel functions*. Another vitally important feature of Una de Gato is that it contains an array of Rainforest plant elements (phyto-chemicals) including polyphenols. These help with the body's anti-oxidant response and serve as free radical scavengers.
Una de Gato or cat's claw, is an antioxidant that removes toxin.
Una de Gato
Una de gato. Aumenta las defensas inmunologicas, es antirreumatico, anti-inflamatario y ataca el cancer en organos blandos. Una de Gato,
Una de Gato - Una de Gato - Uncaria Tomentosa - Vilcacora - La Una de Gato favorece el sistema inmunologico, desinflamante. Se utiliza para el tratamiento de prostata. Ayuda a desinflamar y en cicatrizaciones.