Chile Chipotle Dried Chile Pepper - 2 oz

Chile Chipotle Dried Chile Pepper
Price 4.95
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Dried Whole Chipotle chile pods - Chilpotle - Chipotles

El Guapo Dried Chile Chipotle Chili Pods can be used whole to give flavor to stews, soups or in the braising liquid for meats! Chipotle chiles have a smoky flavor and definitive heat that makes them unique. If they are pureed or soaked they would go perfectly with sauces!! Use Chipotles to flavor salsas, soups, sauces, stews and even an occasional dessert. In order for the Chipotle chiles to last and hold their flavor for up to a year, store in airtight container such as a plastic ziplock bag or Tupperware in a cool, dry and dark location. Heat and Light take away the flavor of the chipotles, while moisture spoils them. To use in most recipes, make sure to cover the chiles in cool water in a bowl for 20 minutes to hydrate.

Chipotle Peppers Scoville Heat Units - 5,000 > 10,000


El Guapo

Chile seco chipotle entero o Chiles chipotles de El Guapo, pueden ser usados enteros para darle sabor a sopas, guisados, o caldo para cocinar la carne. Los chipotles tienen un sabor picosito y ahumado que los hace unicos. Si son hechos puree o remojados son perfectos para hacer salsas!! Use los chipotles para darle un rico y picosito sabor a salsas, sopas, guisados y hasta uno que otro postre. Para que los Chiles Chipotles duren hasta un ano, guardelos en un recipiente hermetico, como una bolsa de plastico ZipLock or Tupperware en lugar, fresco, seco y oscuro. El Calor y la luz le quitan el sabor a los chipotles, mientras la humedad los hecha a perder. Para usar en la mayoria de sus recetas asegurese the remojar los chiles en agua fresca en un platon por 20 minutos para hidratarlos.


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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Cecilia
Excellent taste and color
January 4, 2012
Used these for chili used in tamales and menudo. A little on the mild side, but can be spiced up with crushed chili peppers, also from this site. They were still pliable, not as dry as the ones you find at the store, making them easier to process.

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