Ground Cumin - 1 oz

Ground Cumin
Price 4.95
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Ground Dried Cumin

We you amber colored Ground Cumin in a very convenient package for all of your culinary needs.

Cumin is the dried fruit of the Cuminum cyminum plant that it is native to the Mediterranean and an annual member of the parsley family. The cumin seeds are green in color, small and slender in size, with a strong, pungent and slightly bitter flavor with the ability to change any dish. Traditional cuisines such as Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Mexican, Indian and Certain Chinese make Cumin their prominently used ingredient because of its mellow nutty taste. Cumin is a major ingredient used in curry powders, Sauerkraut bread, Sausage making and chili.

Cumin has a strong and warm aroma due to its abundant oil content. It acan be added ground to give a distinctive flavor, as well as a warming and earthy feeling to salads, entrees, stews, soups as well as sauces, meats, vegetables, and legumes and can be used in the same way as Caraway. You can also use ground cumin as an ingredient in some pastries and pickles. Cumin is the key ingredient in soups, stews and chili. Make sure you use cumin when making homemade spices and use regularly in cooking. Use sparingly, since cumin is very strong and even a pinch packs a punch.

Serving Ideas:

  • Ground Cumin goes excellent with eggplant, potatoes, stews, soups, eggs, curry, fish, chicken, beans, lentils, peas, rice, couscous, pork, sausages, and lamb.

  • Enhance any earthy dish such as braised onions, cabbage or roasted root vegetables withground cumin.


  • Net Wt. 1 oz. (22.6g) bag

  • Ground Cumin

  • All Natural

  • Quality spices, chilies, snacks, herbs

  • Product of Tampico.

  • Cumin controls blood pressure, it contains only 10 milligrams of sodium, which meansit will add flavor to your food, so you use less salt during cooking and at the table.

  • You can substitute cumin with either caraway seeds, chili powder or ground coriander when a recipe calls for cumin and you do not have any on hand.

  • Store cumin in an airtight container away form heat and light. Its Aroma and Flavor will keep for up to six months. If you see diminished aroma or its color has faded, that indicates cumin is old and should be replaced.


Comino Molido Deshidratado - 1 oz

Tampico te trae Comino Molido Deshidratado enun conveniente paquete para todas tus necesidades culinarias.

El comino es la fruta seca de la planta Cuminum Cyminum que es originaria de el Mediterraneo, es un miembro anual de la familia de la menta. Las semillas del comino son de color verde, pequenas y de tamano delgado, con un fuerte, pontente y ligeramente amargo sabor con la capacidad de cambiar el rumbo de cualquier platillo. Las cocinas tradicionales como el Oriente Medio, Mediterranea, Mexicana, India y China hacen del comino su ingrediente prominente debido a su suave sabor a nuez. El comino es el mayor ingrediente usado en los polvos de curry, pan chucrut (Sauerkraut bread), el proceso de hacer salchichas y en el chili.

El comino puede ser agregado entero o molido para darle un distintivo sabor a ensaladas, guisos, sopas asi como salsas, carnes, vegetales y legumbres, y puede ser usado de la misma forma que la alcaravea. Usa el comino para preparar especias hechas en casa y usa regularmente al cocinar. Usa poquito, ya que el comino es muy fuerte y hasta una pizca pega mucho.


  • Bolsa Peso Neto. 1 oz. (22.6g)

  • Comino Molido Deshidratado

  • De color ambar.

  • Todo Natural

  • Especias de Calidad, Chiles, Botanas y Hierbas.

  • Producto de Tampico.

  • El comino controla la presion de la sangre, pues solo contiene 10 miligramos de sodio, lo que significa que dara un delicioso sabor a tu comida, para que uses menos sal al cocinar y en la mesa.

  • Puedes sustituir el comino ya sea con semillas dealcaravea, chile en polvo o cilantro molido cuando una receta pida comino y no lo tengas a la mano.

  • Almacena el comino en un recipiente hermetico, alejado del calor y de la luz. Si vez que a disminuido su aroma y el color se ha desvanecido, eso indica que el comino es viejo y ya debe ser reemplazado.


Review Summary
Ground Cumin   $4.95
1 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (1 of 1 responses)
By Violet
Review for Ground Cumin by Corona Real
April 20, 2010
Love this flavor. Great in chili and on eggs. Yum.


2 oz
1/4 oz
2 oz
1 oz

MORE CATEGORIES IN Dried Chiles, Spices and Herbs

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