The Holy Child of Atocha Candle (Pack of 6) - 8 inch candles

The Holy Child of Atocha Candle (Pack of 6)
Price 20.95
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The Holy Child of Atocha 7-Day candle in glass jar.

The Holy Child of Atocha 7 Day Candle a long-lasting wax candle in a jar. Candle features a beautiful image of the Holy Child of Atocha seated on a chair, wearing a brimmed hat with a plume and a cloak or cape ornate with the St. James shell, carrying a pilgrim's staff to the gourd of water is fastened, a pair of shackles,and a few spears of wheat in his left hand and on his right hand he holds a basket which generally contains bread or flowers and he's barefoot. Burn candle to ask favors from the Holy Child of Atocha. He is the patron saint of those unjustly imprisoned, rescues people in danger and is the protector of travelers.


Veladora del Santo Nino de Atocha

La veladora del Santo Nino de Atocha es una vela de cera de vidrio. Presenta una bella imagen del Santo Nino de Atocha sentado en una silla, portando un sombrero de ala ancha con una pluma y un manto o capa adornado con la concha de San Jaime; lleva un baston de peregrino con una calabaza con agua sugetada a la misma, un par de grilletes y algunas ramitas de trigo en la mano izquierda y en la mano derecha sostiene una cesta quegeneralmente contiene pan o flores, que a veces se muestra vacia, dando la impresi


The Holy Child of Atocha Candle (Pack of 6)


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