Goya Sazon Culantro and Achiote Seasoning - 1.41 oz

Goya Sazon Culantro and Achiote Seasoning
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Goya Sazon Culantro and Achiote Seasoning 1.41 oz

Open up a box of Sazon Goya and you will find what good cooks have always dreamed of, an absolutely fool proof way to make everything taste not just good, or even great, but sensational! It is Sazon Goya, a special mix of seasonings from Goya. A little magic in little foil packets. Use Sazon Goya as a flavor enhancer in any dish and discover the secret to creating the authentic flavors of Latino cuisine.

Let Goya Sazon Culantro and Annatto provide a totally different taste like no other! Goya Sazon Culantro and Achiote is not only great as an all purpose seasoning but it works great as a meat marinade too. Rub it into raw meats and then leave to stand. The meats will absorb this unique blend of herbs and spices and will come out tender, juicy, and tasty when cooked. Goya Sazon Culantro and Achiote together add such a distinct and tantalizing flavor that will alter your taste buds forever. Culantro, which is similar to cilantro but more potent in taste and aroma, provides such a distinguishing flavor that is accented by the achiote. Achiote which is actually a rusty colored seed and is derived from the annatto plant, provides a great robust flavor and color. Achiote is native to Latin America and provides a mild bite to the sazon seasoning.

Goya Sazón is a savory special blend of seasonings that makes every dish it graces taste truly exceptional. Just one packet makes a world of difference. Sazon Goya, a unique seasoning that will add more flavor to your food. Especially on Yellow Rice, Paellas, fricassees, casseroles, stews, soups and meat with potatoes, not only it will give this dishes an irresistible flavor but a nice color too. You'll wonder how you ever did without it. If it is Goya, it has to be good!


  • Cost effective, with great taste.

  • Easy and simple to use!

  • The perfect choice when you want to make something delicious!

  • Use it for stews, pasta, meats, poultry, rice, beans, soups and vegetables.

  • Use Two packets for a meal of 8!

  • Contains 170 mg of Sodium (6%)

  • Product of Goya Foods

  • Low Cholesterol

  • Low Fat

  • 0 Calories per serving (1g)

  • Packet Net wt. 1.41 oz. (40 g)

Just add a little packet of Sazon Goya to the water or stock you use to prepare your favorite recipes,and the season like you always do, so all the family can enjoy a savory meal.

Ingredients: monosodium glutamate, salt, dehydrated garlic, cumin, yellow 5, tricalcium phosphate (anti-caking agent),annato (color), mexican saffron, turmeric (color), Red 40.

Video Comercial Sazón Goya con Achiote


Sazon con Cilantro Goya Culantro con Achiote

Abre una cajita de Sazon Goya y encontraras todo lo que los cocineros han sonado, una manera absolutamente infalible para hacer que todo, no solo lo bueno sepa bueno, o incluso estupendamente, si no sensacional! Es Sazon Goya, una  mezcla especial decondimentos de Goya. Un poco de magia en sobrecitos de aluminio. Usa Sazon Goya como un potenciador del sabor de cualquier platillo y descubre el secreto de la creacion de los autenticos sabores de la cocina latina.

Deja que Goya Sazon Culantro y Achiote te provean con un sabor totalmente diferente como ningun otro. Goya Sazon Culantro y Achiote no solo es un condimento ideal para todo uso, tambien funciona muy bien como adobo para marinar la carne. Embarra sobre carnes crudas y dejalas reposar. Las carnes absorberan esta mezcla unica de hierbas y especias, y quedara suave, jugosa y muy sabrosa cuando la cocines. Goya Sazon culantro y Achiote juntos agregan un sabor definido y tentador que alterara tu paladar para siempre. El Culantro es similar a el cilantro pero mas potente en el sabor y aroma, proporciona un sabor distintivo que es acentuado por el Achiote; una semilla de color oxidado que viene de la planta de Achiote y es originaria de America Latina, le proporciona un gran robusto sabor y color  sus platillos y le da a Sazon un toque picosito.

Goya Sazon es una mezcla especial de sazonadores que hacen cada plato que engalana verdaderamente excepcional. Solo un sobrecito de este condimento hace la diferencia en carnes, aves, vegetales, frijoles y guisos, dandole a estos platillos un exquisito sabor y un precioso color. Especialmente sobre Arroz Amarillo, Paellas, Fricases, Sopas, Potajes, Carne con Papas, y Guisos, Goya Sazon les dara mas sabor. Disfrute!   Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno!


  • De buen precio, y con gran sabor!

  • Facil y simple de usar!

  • Usa dos paquetes para una comida de 8.

  • Baja en colesterol

  • Baja en Grasa

  • Sazon es un producto de Goya Foods

  • Contiene Alto contenido de Sodio 880 mg (37%)

  • La eleccion perfecta cuando quieres preparar algo delicioso!

  • 0 Calorias por porcion (1g)

  • Paquete Peso Neto. 1.41 oz. (40 g)

Agrega un paquetito de Sazon Soya al agua o caldo con que prepares tus platillos y sazona como siempre acostumbras, para que toda la familia quede encantada!

Ingredientes: glutamato monosodico, Sal, ajo deshidratado, comino, amarillo 5, fosfato tricalcico (antiaglutinante), achiote (color), azafran mexicano, turmeric (color), Rojo40.


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By Chris A.
Collinsville, Oklahoma USA
Goya seasonings for anything but a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. When I want a real tamale like we made in Viento Frio, Panam?, I turn to Goya
July 21, 2018
I love great tamales and was raised on good Mexican style tamales wrapped in a corn husks.
But until I spent fourteen years in Viento Frio Rep?blic? d? Panam?, I hadn't realized what the best tamale tasted like or had lurking with it's vast 1 ?" x 3" x 7"-9" Masa form.
Tamales in Panam? are eaten for any meal anytime of the year. I've paid from $0.50-$2.00 US dollar for one. Sunday afternoon was a good time to find a mother or a couple of kids carrying a 5 gallon bucket on their heads with a bath towel rolled like a cinnamon roll to center the load on anyones head. They were usually selling them to have the money for one other more kids to travel to a larger community for the school week, live with another family and return Friday evening after school.
A typical tamale would have a chicken wing or, leg with the foot minus the toe nails, a long string bean, a few green olives with pimento, a tablespoon of whole kernel corn, maybe some shreds of purple or green cabbage, slices or lengths of carrots, onion, garlic and assorted peppers, usually sweet bells in green or colors.
These were seldom spicy hot even though some habanero peppers would find their way into the mixture. A onion pepper salsa was prepared, usually one person working on gathering those items, rinsing and slicing them in preparation for the blender. Another would boil water and cook the chicken then several women would de bone and shred the chicken meat. Another person gathered firewood and it takes a lot of wood as they start them in a 40 gallon cast iron pot sitting on concrete blocks or hanging over the fire about 14:00 hrs and they cooked until 06:00 in the morning. Another person was in charge of gathering leaves that would be used to hold the formed shape of the tamales together and keep it nearly sealed during the cooking process. These were similar to a banana or plantain leaf, so if you were making and steaming 100 tamales you needed one leaf for about three tamales and 6 or eight to cover the top of the pot with even though you might have a lid, you wanted a good seal so they steamed good. Oh, string to tie the leaf around the tamale wrapped inside the leaf.
It might take 8 people doing this laborious project and usually all mother's each with children of their own, or an Aunt (Tia) or a grandmother (abuela) donating their time.
After eating my first one on a customized school bus riding from Col?n to Viento Frio, I decided I'd learn how to make my own.
A chicken leg with the foot was not my cup of tea. A nice big half chicken breast divided length wise will make about 8 tamales.
  • Shredded chicken, beef or pork all make excellent tamales.
  • In Panam? most every El Rey Super Mercado which is one of the largest chain grocery stores. or Mini Super which is a convenience store many times own by either a Chinese family, but not always. is going to stock little packages of Achote that's the orange yellow seasoning that gives the corn meal dough or Masa mixture it's tamale flavor and color.
  • Besides the Achote you need Culantro which is a long wide leaf, 4"-7" long and ?" -1?" wide, and it looks like a dandelion leaf, when you rub it between your fingers it smells exactly like cilantro, but it's usually much stronger in flavor.
  • Just a little history from Panam?, the Goya seasoning in Walmart stores in the Tulsa-Owasso, Oklahoma area has 8 individual packets for $1.19 to $1.39 total.
  • It's concentrated, two packets will season enough food for eight people, one meal. Very economical.
  • When I made guacamole which many in my village had never heard of, I used one package of Goya seasoning to three large avocados, ? medium sweet onion, juice from ? lime or limon, 2 meduim tomatillos, 1 ?" ring from a large red, yellowor orange sweet bell pepper for color and flavor ?-1 teaspoon of fresh minced garlic, ? teaspoon of fresh minced ginger and 6-8 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and ?-1 teaspoon of Sea Salt. Mix together, cover with plastic wrap with a little more time or limon juice under the plastic and chill, this keeps it fresh and from darkening in color.
  • A secret for ripening an avocado quicker?
  • Wrap them in panties and cover in the dark cool room, check them everyday. I learned this from the locals. I don't know what difference it makes panties or kitchen towels but it ripens several days quicker and we ate avocados probably 300-20 days a year in our village.
  • Tamales are a Christmas and New Year's Tradition.
  • Bon Appetit | Comer Mi Vida
  • I can't think of, well maybe one, we need Walmart to stock banana leaves.


6.4 fl oz
1.41 oz
1.41 oz
1.41 oz
2.11 oz
7 oz


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